It is to much happen every day. I am short of time. My history have to wait a couple days. When it is completed it will be my biography. It may help other MS patients to find new way to live with the decease. Be patient...
Today Iattended a conferenceandmeetinginVISITAwhereI am botha memberandsits on the board. At the meetingwereabout 300 peoplefrom all overthe country.Many peopleI havegotten to knowover theyearsI have been involved. The funny thing isthat many people havestarted followingmy blog. Therewherea lot of questionsaboutmy illnessandthe new treatment. It is certainlydifficult withall the questions,but it is importantto showthat it is possibleto have atolerablelifewith the disease.
I do not seekpity,I want to giveThe diseasea face.It took a longtime to explainto the environmentwhat I canandcan´t do.Today it isa strengththat Idid not try tohidethe diseasefrom the beginning.Thereare few people whocan criticizemeif I have togoawayfor a restsometimes. If I had nottold anyone, I would probablyhave beenseen aslazy. NowI feel thatit'sreverse.
I had togo home andrest for a fewhoursin the afternoon. Alert after therest, I went back the conferenceagain. Iwas smartenough to fit intothe dinnerin the evening.
Ihavenot noticedchanges afterstem celltransplantationyet. However I feel goodand strong.
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