Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 34 : 6 - Holiday - Tierd

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...May 2011 - Brazil, Part II
My wife and I landed in Sao Paolo, and checked in at Hotel Unique, which is a really cool hotel that is in the same group as our hotels. We spent a few days there, met friends and ate good food. We walked around a lot in Sao Paolo. I managed to walk 2-3 miles. Then I was probably most tired. I had pain in my legs. It was many years ago.
Life had returned for real. I was not aware of any of my old MS symptoms. Absolutely none at all. This was too good to be true. This was four weeks after CCSVI surgery. The biggest problem was that I was untrained and my legs were soared. I had not moved around this much for many years.  

Next stop on the trip was Itacare in Bahia. It is a two hour flight from Sao Paolo. The airport in Ilheus is one of the shortest in the world to land with an Airbus 319. The morning weather was a bit unstable, it was blowing and raining with low cloud. There are high mountains around the runway that ends at the Atlantic beach.  

The pilot made three landing attempts, all of which ended with full throttle again. Each time we were just a few feet above the runway. It was not possible to land, we went to Salvador to refuel and wait for better weather. My wife had stopped talking after the first attempt...  

After a couple of hours in the plane at the airport did take-off. The weather conditions was better in Ilhéus. It's only twenty minutes flying time to get there. The same story repeats itself twice, then the pilot gave up.
To be continued...


We had a relaxed day at home. He weather was good but cold. I sat out in the sun for a while. The wind was cold, and the snow was still four inches deep on the ground. It was still the first day of the year as the sun warmed a bit.

I have known a little frayed in recent days. I suspect that I eaten too little. Today I hit big, with beetroot and chevre as a starter. For the main course a big chicken breast and rice. Everything was naturally organic and wholegrain mm.

Good day, stomach is full. Now I will go to bed. Tomorrow I will take out my Segway on a tour.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 33 : 5 - Eastern

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... May 2011, Brazil
In late May, me and my wife to Brazil for two weeks of vacation. I've been there several times before. This trip we booked before I went to Poland to undergo CCSVI.
At my previous trips had the disease made itself more increasingly. The concern was that this trip may be the last opportunity to make an adventure trip. The disease made it harder and harder for me. Furthermore, I did not tolerate the heat and was tired all the time. 

CCSVI changed conditions drastically. I could make my way back, and was not tired as before. That I could stand the heat and I found out when we were in Brazil.  

A day at work in 2006
At one of the previous trips in 2006, two years before the diagnosis, I and one of mine companions went there. We had bought land along the coast of Bahia. The ground was very inaccessible to the body from the place we stayed at. There is a good car road, but then the journey 250 km. The short shortcut was only 30 km.  

We rented two Cross bikes. They should take us around everywhere. We had to cross two rivers. The last piece we had to charter a boat to take us over from a peninsula to the next.  

The first river was not a problem. There was a ferry, or maybe it's exaggerating, a pontoon that caulk of two decommissioned fishing boats. But it worked. Buses, kids, witches and all others who wanted to could go with almost free. There was a road all the way Barra Grande. Road is perhaps a bit exaggerated. It had certainly not been possible to drive by car. The vehicles we met and drove to where jeeps or large trucks and buses.  

In some places where pits in essence three feets deep, the other was the road of quicksand. We went down a few times with our motorcycles. There was no real harm done, it was soft in the sand.  

After four hours we arrived at the port. We chartered a boat and went over to our land. There we were picked up by the supervisor on the beach with a Beach Buggy. The beach was shallow and the tide was out, so we had to wade into the lukewarm water 500 meters. The water was warmer and warmer the closer to the beach we came. The last fifty meters our feet were boiled. The water was probably over 50 degrees.
The journey back ran without trouble until we arrived at the ferry. It was broken. The river was 500 feet wide and deep. It would have been good to swim, but not with bikes. We found some guys with canoes. The problem was solved. Small but efficient ferries.  

It was a day of work, which perhaps was not quite like any other.
To be continued...


This morning we went to IKEA to shop some small items. We come home with the car full of boxes. The car started to sound strange. The noise came from the front end of the car. After a moment of listening wi found the source of the noise. It creaked behind the left front wheel. Jack and rim cross was picked up. We helped to remove the front wheel. Pretty soon it was found, this is not something we can fix. There is a case for the repair shop.

I put an end to all energy on playing car mechanic and run at IKEA. In the afternoon I slept dinner in two hours. It is the first time I rest in the afternoon after I got home from Poland last week.

I need to listen more to my body. I feel much better after the workout, but I am far from healthy.

Happy Easter. (without eggs and candy)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 32 : 4 - Post training & Post CCSVI

... April 2011, after surgery 

It was unbelievable, the first time after the operation of AMEDS in Poland. I was almost without MS symptoms. It was like all the problems disappeared overnight. Cardiologist Piotr Pavluksuc I met in Uppsala on CCSVI lecture a week later. I said to him, Poland has a new citizen. Dennis Johansson, born 27 April 2011. Thus, I have two nationalities, a Swedish since 1963, and a new self-imposed Polish from 2011. 

My status 
The right jugular vein had no flow at all in a sitting or standing position. There was a very small flow when I lay down. Left side worked and other veins were ok. EEDS estimated at 5.0 by the neurologist in Poland, the latest Swedish test was in Dec-10 4.5 (KS), and in Oct-10 4.5 (rehab). Last flare in Dec-10 made apparently some residual symptoms. 

The right vein was blasted 2 times with different sizes of balloons. The flow was restored, from 0% to 75% of normal. There was some discomfort at the surgery, but still quite affordable. What I experienced as the hardest was to lie still on my back for so many hours afterwards. 

Best experience of the operation was that the feet were warm again after surgery and the pizza my wife fed me after the surgery. I was hungry as a galley slave. 

I had obviously noticed some improvements before lunch, but it had only been a few hours since I got out of bed. My thought was that any improvements will probably sneaking in coming months. 

Oh so wrong I was. Four days later, I can say; 
-Dressing without problems 
-Can stand on one leg again 
-No problem with stairs 
-Left hand works much better 
-Balance work 
-No panic to the toilet 
-No brain fog 
-No fatigue 
-No heat intolerance

I've probably forgotten something, but it feels like the clock screwed back a few years. 

CCSVI conference in Uppsala 
As I mentioned at the conference, I've barely been home a week after the surgery in Poland. My day started at 5:30 this morning, with activity all day. This had absolutely not been possible before my trip to Ameds. The volume was at maximum with house music in the car between Uppsala and Stockholm. It has not been like that the last 5 years! 

It just gives me more water on CCSVI mill. Cognition has rebounded as well. Summarizes I week, I wonder what the heck I've been doing the last few years. I've been struggling with strategies to get the energy to suffice the most important. Extinguish fires, and to ensure that everyone in your family have food in your stomach. Not even I have been particularly successful at. There, my wife took more and more responsibility.  

Sauna have to wait until tomorrow, when who should be filled up with beer in the fridge grossly neglected her duties. I'm thinking of sacking that fuck. :)
To be continued..



Food again
I has been a lot talking about the diet in this the blog. I am getting more and more convinced that food is one of the keys to mastering MS. I don´t really care about the 7 kilos I have lost in less than five weeks. I was not fat before, 82kg and 183 centimetres tall. What I care about is the change in power and how good I am feeling right now.

It's not a big sacrifice to opt out of certain raw materials. Profit is tenfold greater. I am very happy to have got to get started and teach me how I should proceed. I do not undergo a diet is the hardest part. It comes later in everyday life. 

We humans are basically collectors since the Stone Age. It's all about planning and organizing. Sure, it takes a lot of time. But it's worth it. It's about finding your innate heritage, and practice them.

AMEDS Rehabilitation Program
My evaluation will be posted under the topic in the side bar. 

Stem cell
Next on the agenda will be stem cell transplant. The first date is confirmed to 16th of April. The second treatment will be in September.

I am currently not taking any drugs against my MS. I hope I do not get relapses during treatment. Should it happen, stem cell treatment may be discontinued.

I will eat my carrots and hope for the best. :) 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 30-31 : 2-3 - Full speed ahead, finding food

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I will continue with my history during the weekend. The time has not been enough this week.

I will tell about the time after CCSVI next. 
To be continued..


The days are flying...
Now I am back at work again. I am feeling good after the rehab in Poland. I have used a lot of time to get food according to my new diet.

It is not only carb to take into account. It should also be gluten, lactose and basically meatless. As spice to everything, it must be anti-inflammatory and organic.

I am looking to take my gun and go into the woods and hunt any wild animal. Finding ingredients to the diet is not easy. I've been in five stores and found some here and there. When everything is collected the cooking starts, and planning for next meal.

Yesterday menu
07:00 Breakfast, Tomato soup with wild rice
10:00 Snack, Green Apple
12:00 Lunch, Salomon with Carrot, Zucchini and Asparagus
16:00 Snack, Carrot Ginger and Celery Juice
19:00 Dinner, Black Quinoa with Feta and Kalamati Olives 

All meals with Green Tea and Flaxseed Oil. To all meals, a handful vitamins. 

Despite all efforts to find the right ingredients, I feel very good on the diet. With planning, it's probably not that difficult over time. I have definitely changed my eating habits for good. It may sound simple, but I probably would not have able to do all this on my own.

Diet has made ​​a big difference in my life. Thanks Ma ... I mean Olga for the support!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 29:1 - Back at home

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The journey home after CCSVI

Last day did AMEDS a control of my condition at the hotel. Nothing strange. Green card. You can go home again. :)

The flight was booked at 19:00. We had plenty of time to see Warsaw on the last day. I felt very good and did run around. We took a walk down to the city, and walked around shopping malls. I enjoyed the walk, and I enjoyed the malls... and the people around me. It was a new feeling to walk without having to worry about over a pedestrian crossing before it was red. I did not have any big walking problems now. After lunch, we booked a tour by bus. The fact was, it was the park tour we had booked. There was no bus run in the park, only to the park.

Walk in the park were almost 2 kilometres. It would not have been possible three days earlier. I can not say it was easy, but it went. When we got back to the hotel in the afternoon, we ate a late lunch at the hotel and packed our things. 

I had not slept more than 6 hours at night, and had no need to rest in the afternoon. Absolutely incredible.

When we checked in at the airport and we went to the gate. The flight was cancelled. After walking to two different gates and three hours of waiting, we finally got on a plane to Stockholm.

The whole set-up around the operation was exemplary. Good information, a moderately busy schedule and time was very well spent. All transportation was included, the only thing I had to keep control of self was the clock.

And my watch, it has been synchronized by a Swiss watchmaker.

To be continued..

Ameds homepage for CCSVI

Today at home

It was good to come home again after four weeks at rehab. Not that anything was wrong in Poland, absolutely not, it is just good to be at home and meet my family.

The big issue was to set my new menu at home. We did not have the ingredients needed for non-inflammatory LCHF diet in stock. We went shopping. Now we have stocked ingredients so I don´t have to starve, or eat forbidden products. Yesterdays dinner did contain black thai rice and goat cheese with a lot of flaxseed oil on top.

Back at work it was many tasks at attend to. The first working day went quickly. I feel strong after the rehab. I gained very much energy in Poland.

Full agenda tomorrow, time to go to bed. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 28 Poland - Day 28 Sweden

I will continue with my history in a couple days. I have a lot to do at home after 28 days in Poland.

Back to Stockholm
The trip back to Stockholm went just fine. Poland was very cold in the morning. About -20C. 

I went up early in the morning to pack my things. After that a quick breakfast and up to the gym. 

My schedule says, training 08.30 - 10:00 in the gym, massage 10:00-10:20. 

When I was sitting on the warm-up, Tomasz come up to me and asked what I was doing? Warming up I sad. No he said, you should be downstairs now. Maceij is waiting for you. 


I went downstairs and he was waiting for me. No training today, just massage. :)

When I'm heading out with my belongings to the car Agata come to me to say goodbye. Agata is the head of the clinic.  

I handed solemnly my crutch to her with the words, this I do not need any more.  

It felt nice to leave it behind. The crutch has given me back pain and sabotaged my walk.

The Journey
I was a little tied after the long walk at the airport. Of cause my aircraft was standing at gate 44. Gate 44 is the last one at the airport. Before my walk to the gate I was shopping in at the tax-free. No illegal stuff, just shampoo and some gifts.

If I walk slowly and rest after a wile, I can walk much better. The training has been outstanding. I was not able to do that walk one month ago. No way! However, it may sound like I am cured. That´s wrong, I am not. I have been stronger, but after the walk I had to sit down and rest for 30 minutes. I have learnt my limits better, and the training has made me stronger. 

At The airport my wife picked me up. We went home and she had fix a good snack. Carrots and beans with green tea...

Joking, Pata Negra and Amarone!!!

It is good to be home again.